
Check This Out

—————————————— PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AT THE UPPER RIGHT. IT’S FREE! You will ONLY receive notifications when I post new entries to my blog. —————————————— Check This Out I got a link from a friend a couple days ago. …

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My Perfect Boys, Part 2

My Perfect Boys, Part 2 I brag on my sons a lot, and deservedly, but I think I’ve given people the wrong impression about how perfect they are.  Sorry folks, my boys are boys after…

My Perfect Boys, Part 1

My Perfect Boys, Part 1 I’ve heard some comments about my sons and how awesome they are.  Some of those words were spoken in all seriousness by people who actually know my boys, while other…

You’ve Been Warned

You’ve Been Warned We’ve all commented on our country’s litigious society, with people suing others for just about anything. Because of this rampant litigiousness many, if not most, companies have reacted by putting warning labels…

Lucy in Disguise

Lucy in Disguise When the idea came to me about doing this post, I was reminded of a famous song.  In their 1967 album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, the Beatles sang a very memorable…

It Came From Above

It Came From Above Annie and I have had some amazing experiences at Sweetwater in the short time we’ve owned it.  We’ve often watched the resident deer, some from the time they were born all…

It’s a Gas!

It’s a Gas! According to Wikipedia, “The compound 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (also called o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile; chemical formula: C10H5ClN2), a cyanocarbon, is the defining component of tear gas commonly referred to as CS gas, which is used as a riot control agent.  Exposure…

Mr. “Not My Dad”

Mr. “Not My Dad” My old Marine Corps friend and I were stopped at the border crossing between Montana, USA and Alberta, Canada. Now on that trip about halfway between home and the border I…

Bubba J’s Christmas Day…Finally

Bubba J’s Christmas Day…Finally Those who have been reading my blog for a few years should be well aware of my friend Bubba J and his “interesting” family.  As Bubba says, “Some of my kin…

Getting Spooked

Getting Spooked “You’ve got to read this,” Gable implored.  “It’s in the official daily reports so it’s got to be true, right?  Got to!” “What’s that?” I asked. “One of the guards saw a ghost!”…